COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS are held at Jefferson Performing Arts Center one month prior to the related JPAS show opening. They are open to JPAS patrons and to the general public and are recorded for posting publicly. All conversations are from 3:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoons.
Community Conversations Shows and Topics:
$5,000 Level: SERIES PRESENTING SPONSOR: Sponsor all 6 Community Conversations
$1,000 Level: EVENT SPONSOR: Sponsor one Community Conversation of your choice
How Deathtrap plays with Duality
Recorded: Wednesday, April 27, 2022
This discussion was held virtually via Zoom.
Show Dates: May 6 - 22, 2022
Shrek and Self Acceptance: Life Lessons on Image, Friendship, and Self Esteem
An honest and lively conversation about what it means to accept oneself, and to accept love and friendship from others.
Recorded: Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 3:00 P.M.
This discussion was held virtually via Zoom.
Show Dates: March 11-20, 2022
FLY: A PLAY ABOUT THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN: “Real History: American Myths and Omissions”
Why are main components of American history not included in American history classes, such as the story of Tuskegee Airmen? What are some other historical facts excluded from a typical American education? How can we teach our children the stories of true American history and be inclusive to all?
Moderated by Dr. Eva Baham, Ph.D., Dillard University Assistant Professor of History
Recorded January 16, 2022
This discussion was held virtually via Zoom.
How does art, especially the performing arts, play a role in helping everyone to feel “accepted”? What lessons about acceptance and self-acceptance can one learn from The Addams Family?
Recorded October 13, 2021
This discussion was held virtually via Zoom.
GOD OF CARNAGE: “Parenting and Politics”
God of Carnage has been called “a comedy of manners--without the manners” due to the way that civil discourse between two sets of parents devolves into insults laden with racism, homophobia, sexism, and other -isms. How does one navigate (or avoid) complicated conversations at work, with family, at social events, school, and other public places? How do you talk with your children and spouse about complicated topics? How do you-or should you—resolve your children’s conflicts?
Recorded August 15, 2021
This discussion was held virtually via Zoom.