December 10, 2023
2:00 pm
Jefferson Performing Arts Center
6400 Airline Drive | Metairie, LA
"Danny O'Flaherty's Celtic Christmas" is a journey steeped in rich Celtic heritage and customs that combines the rich cultural traditions of the Celts with the festive spirit of Christmas. The Celtic regions of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, The Isle of Man and Cornwall all have their own customs and folklore that add a distinct flavor to the holiday season. "Danny O’Flaherty’s Celtic Christmas" blends these ancient traditions with the joyous spirit of Christmas. Join him as he weaves a musical tapestry that captures the true essence of the Celtic Christmas spirit – a celebration of heritage, folklore and the joyous magic that unites us all in the spirit of the season.
This is an all-ages show and the perfect event to kick off the holiday season with the entire family! Join Danny and step back in time to savor the Christmas season as it has been celebrated among the Celtic people for centuries. This moving and joyful story and song filled show will include Danny accompanied by dancers from the New Orleans based Joni Muggivan's School of Irish Dance.
Danny O’Flaherty is a native Irish speaker from the Gaeltacht (Gail-tuck) region of Connemara on the West Coast of Ireland. Much of his time growing up was spent around the turf fire listening to songs and stories of his elders, and this instilled in him the desire to pass the music on! He is a singer, songwriter and performer of Folk and Celtic music and is dedicated to preserving the heritage of his ancestors.
A year after legendary O’Flaherty’s Irish Channel Pub opened in the heart of New Orleans’ French Quarter, Danny O’Flaherty of Ireland enlisted Robin James-Jones of Wales to help put together A Celtic Christmas to celebrate the true Christmas customs of their Celtic Nations.
The program became a beloved annual event and in 2001, Danny, Michael, and Janet revamped the production into a concert presentation with stories, dances, and songs, both traditional and original.
This version played the Galveston Grand Opera House, across Louisiana and Texas, and produced a second public television special. Hurricane Katrina closed O’Flaherty’s Pub and put Celtic Christmas on hiatus for the first time in 15 years, but, like the city where it was established, it has returned and continues to evolve and play prominent venues around the world.